In Business, Communications, Employee Engagement

Imagine the galvanizing impact of an employee-generated idea on your business. It could be the perfect way to give real impetus to your business recovery from the pandemic.

This article in Forbes explores How Innovation Is Driving Productivity During And Beyond The COVID-19 Pandemic. It’s an interesting read. But technology is not the only source of innovations that could lead to your success after the pandemic. Just as fruitful could be ideas from your employees.

Your people are having a very personal experience of the changes thrust upon us by COVID-19. They’ve had to adapt everything they do – both inside and outside work. Consequently, they’ve probably already identified ways some things could be done better, smarter and at less cost.

The pandemic has also had a unifying effect where people have come together to fight a common enemy. Smart organizations will use this common purpose to recover faster from the economic, social and emotional impact of the pandemic by unlocking the best ideas from their people.

To help you assess how good your internal ideas machine is, use a new employee innovation survey I have developed to give you the answers you need.  The survey is free to access and explores the following elements of your innovation process:

  • Incremental innovation – This will show you if you have a bank of ideas ready to be used. In our experience every employee has at least one good idea for improving the way things are done, or for improving products and services. For example, a checkout operator at Waitrose identified how to reduce spaces on a receipt that saved over £160,000 in the first year alone – not to mention the impact on the environment.
  • Transformational innovation – a breakthrough way of doing things that could propel your organization into a leadership position. If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it’s that things that were once thought impossible are now part of everyday behaviour. Imagine uncovering just one idea that could transform your products, services or internal processes.
  • Your approach to innovation – This will identify where the company needs to focus to unlock the innovative potential of its people.
  • Your innovation culture – This will identify if the company is creating an innovation culture that increases the likelihood of success by guaranteeing adoption of the new idea by your people.
  • COVID-19 related innovation – This will assess how well you’ve already begun to change based on ideas activated since the pandemic started.

To access the survey as a free resource just click here and request the Innovation survey as part of your free trial. And, to inspire us all, please share the best employee-generated ideas from your business.

We’ve also created a helpful guide, which looks at each of the questions in the Employee innovation survey and offers ideas to help you respond to the feedback and move your business forward.

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